The CPSA is excited to welcome Capilano University as CPSA’s newest education partner!

Capilano University has been a leader in tourism education for over 40 years, focusing on exemplary business practices as the foundation of Tourism Management studies. Tourism Management helps students develop leadership and business management skills in sales, marketing, operations, finance, and human resources. The Tourism Sales course at Capilano’s School of Tourism Management allows students to develop their sales skills by learning about key competencies such as selling techniques, communication strategies, human motivation, questioning, closing, and verbal and non-verbal cues.  

“Our students actively pursue careers in hospitality and tourism sales while others complement their Capilano University journey with higher education to prepare themselves for future leadership opportunities. We believe our new partnership with the CSPA will enrich the students’ learning paths at Cap U and accelerate their growth plans and achievements in rewarding sales careers” says Nazmi Kamal, MBA, and instructor within the School of Tourism Management.  

Capilano’s School Tourism Management program is now fully accredited by the CPSA and provides students with 35-hours of pre-requisite education needed to pursue their Certified Sales Associate (CSA) designation.  

The CPSA looks forward to working closely with Capilano University's faculty and students to provide them with the resources needed to pursue an enriching career in tourism sales. 


About the Canadian Professional Sales Association

As the advocate for excellence in sales, the CPSA invests resources in programming, curriculum development and professional designations to help individuals and companies become more successful through more effective sales. We connect employers with employees, business with academia and the private sector with government to advance the sales profession and improve Canadian competitiveness.

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